Love has no boundaries – Interfaith Dialogue
City: New Taipei City
Museum of World Religions Development Foundation, English Ministry - Suang Lien Presbyterian English church, Anatolian cultural center, Art Charity Without Borders NGO, Centre for Interfaith Understanding (CIFU-Singapore), GFLP Global Family for Love and Peace (UN Registered NGO with special consultative status)
No. 236, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Yonghe Dist., New Taipei City 234, Taiwan
The goals of activities are?
1. To high light and support interfaith co-operation by encouraging faith communities to focus on a common humanitarian issue: children’s suffering through the global refugee crisis.
2. Raise awareness of the refugee issue among Taiwanese communities.
Activity 2: Dialogue of Religious Leaders and people working in support of children in need.
Date: 5th of Feb 2020
Time: 01:30PM~03:30PM
Moderator: Dr. Christie Chang / Former International President of Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women, President of IBC
1. Dr. Stephen Lakkis / Director of Taiwan Public Theological Research Center, Pastor of Suang Lien Presbyterian English church
2. Dr. JIE-XING, Lai / Director of Ling Jiou Mountain Education Research Center
3. Dr. Osman Cubuk / Assistant Professor of Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Collage of Liberal Arts National Taiwan University
4. Mohamed Imran Bin Mohamed Taib / Center for Interfaith Understanding)
5. Nursyazwani Bte Jamaludin / Advocates for Refugees Singapore
6. Paul Hedges/Associate Professor Studies in Interreligious Relations in Plural Societies S Rajaratnam School of International Studies
7. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
8. Louke Chen / Artist, Curator
Venue: The Space for Life, Peace and Creativity of Museum of World Religions