Interfaith Listening and Dialogue in Eastern Washington State

In by FLLC

The evening of interfaith dialogue and listening was better than we could hoped. The weather was cold and snowy and still about 60 people came out to watch the docudrama “The Sultan and the Saint” and to talk with one another. Tracy Simmons of Spokane Faith and Values emceed the night. She gave an overview of our goals and hopes then introduced the panel. Sr. Pat Millan, OSF Philadelphia, Nezar Hussain, Muslims for Community Action and Support, and Rabbi Tamar Malino of Temple Beth Shalom and Congregation Emanu-El each gave a short introduction. The event was held at Temple Beth Shalom which greatly widened the story. We watched the film after which the three panelists gave short reflections from their faith tradition about the film and what it means to share interfaith dialogue and listening. The guest were then split up into eight groups. Their question for dialogue was “What/where/who does your tradition say has authority? How does this authority relate to the written word? How does this authority support or interfere with interfaith conversations?” Each table was asked to summaries the dialogue and listening they experience. The panel reflected on the same question of authority. Everyone had a chance to ask more questions. The March 23, “Speed Faithing” event was announced by the leader of One Peace, Many Paths. And all were given  a card to fill out to gain an interfaith buddy. The text on the card was: Interfaith Buddy ___________________________________ Phone __________________________ Email _____________________________________ We meet again on ____________________ at _____________________________________ To talk about (Suggestions below):______________________________________________ “When is/was the soul created?  Has the soul always been? Is the soul created newly created with each new person? Does the soul have gender? How is the soul separate from the divine? What happens to the soul at death?” “What is evil?” Part of the fear of other religions is that someone has labeled it “evil” because listening means you might have your mind changed. What then does each tradition say is evil? How do beliefs around evil affect the characters in the movie and the problems with interfaith conversations today. We are so grateful for the many people who did choose not just one interfaith buddy but many. The conversations and dialogue will go on and we will meet again. The FaVs web page advertised out event at Some testimonials can be see at