A Visit to the Armenian Cathedral of the Lord’s Transfiguration (In Celebration of WIHW)

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Country: Russia
  • Organizer

    Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles

Martynas Olyaka, a CARP volunteer, wrote: “I have always been interested in different religions, their distinctive features, and also how they are similar to each other. “It was interesting to listen to a lecture on the history of Christianity in Armenia, as well as to learn the basic tenets of their faith. I liked that, on the whole, Armenian Christians traditionally respect other religions. I would also like to note the beauty of the museum itself on the territory of the temple complex; the museum houses rare exhibits describing the history and culture of Armenia. “A cheerful and friendly guide, Artyom, gave us a very informative tour. Many thanks to all the participants and organizers of this event!”