“Interfaith Gathering”

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Country: Malaysia
  • Organizer

    Melaka Baha'i Community

Strength Through Our Unity and Unity Through Our Faith! Finally we had the first public interfaith gathering here in Melaka, during the annual World Interfaith Harmony Week, February 1-7. When we launched the first Malacca Harmony Week, one year ago, not a single religious organisation was interested in observing the week.
So when Melaka Baha'i Community invited to an interfaith gathering in their Center, last Sunday afternoon, we had to be there and enjoy the moment. It was a simple and meaningful event, where people of different backgrounds read short texts from various holy scriptures, but all of them encouraging unity and harmony between all people. In-between, songs where shared by a few groups and at the end a group of young people rounded of the "formal part" and it was time for refreshments. Thanks to the Baha'i community for taking the first step and thanks to all and everyone for joining and make it a great manifestation. Next year we hope to see many many more events like this all over Melaka.