2019 World Inter-Faith Harmony Week

In by



Country: Nigeria
  • Organizer

    House of Hilkiah Foundation

  • Location


A team from House of Hilkiah Foundation visited Mbawa Community IDP camp in Daudu, Guma LGA Benue state, Nigeria. The camp has a total population of 3,015, including Women-1820 (Widows-137, Girls-83) Men-465, Children-730. The female leader showed us around, narrating their ordeals in the camp ranging from lack of food and water to how they have been neglected by the government. We interviewed some of the women, who lost their husbands and children due to the crisis of the herdsmen. They told us they were all farmers and farming was their source of livelihood. The invaders displaced them to have no shelter, burning their crops and leaving them homeless and with nothing to eat. The team brought writing materials for the children and food. They will look for support, partnership and collaboration from other organizations to assist in organizing an empowerment program for the women in the camp. That way, the women will be able to make a living that can sustain them and their families, and also have access to basic needs like food, clothes, sleeping arrangements for them and their families, and books and sitting arrangements for the children.