Coffee Talk: Discuss the Future of Interfaith

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Country: United States
City: Spokane, WA 99203
Panelists will discuss the importance of inter-religious, spiritual and secular work here in Spokane, what it looks like today and what it could like in the future. This is also a chance to get a peek at the home of Spokane’s new Interfaith Community Center. Origin Church, on the South Hill, donated its building and property to F?VS and the F?VS board has decided to use the gift to create an interfaith center for the Spokane area. Because Coffee Talk won’t be at a coffee shop this time, F?VS will be providing coffee and some snacks. Panelists are: Rev. C. Scott Kinder-Pyle, pastor of Origin and F?VS columnist, who wrote “In the Belly of Spokane’s Great Fish: How Interfaith Dialogue is Legitimate for Christians” Elizabeth Schindler, F?VS guest columnist and intern, who wrote, “The Future Depends on Raising Interfaith Allies” Naghmana Ahmed-Sherazi, F?VS Ask A Muslim writer Rev. Gen Heywood of Faith Leaders and Leaders of Conscience, who wrote, “We Will Thrive: The Future of Interfaith” Origin is located at 5115 S. Freya. Extra parking is located around the corner on 51st Ave. On the first Saturday every other month SpokaneF?VS hosts “Coffee Talk,” which is a community forum about issues of faith and ethics.