Interfaith Harmony Week in Hawaii

In by Rev. Dr. Thomas D. Lynch

In February 2019, there were three World Interfaith Harmony Week events held in Honolulu this year: 1) a panel discussion “Reflections on the Parliament of the World’s Religions” 2018 Toronto, sponsored by the National Baha’i Center of Hawaii, 2) an interfaith breakfast for invited Hawaii faith leaders sponsored by the International Academy for Interfaith Studies, and 3) a Water Ceremony for Religious Unity sponsored by the Universal Peace Federation of Hawaii. In all three events, the Hawaiian Church provided the traditional Hawaiian “Oli” for the opening and closing. The six discussants at the first event presented what each considered their most significant observations about the Parliament of World’s Religions from their religious point of view. The Interfaith Breakfast brought together a wide variety of religious leaders to meet and greet, hear a sampling of thoughts from those present, and a brief discussion of the importance of compassion in religious practices. The Religious Unity event focused on a water ceremony in which the following religions participated: Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Hawaiian Church, Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism. Attached are photos of the three events. The planning committee is looking forward to the 2020 week and it is already planning to add one or two more events to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week in 2020.