Watching the movie and discuss the topic of Love the Good and Love your neighbor – From movie Dr. Strange found the similarity in different religions
Country: Taiwan
City: New Taipei City
Museum of world religions is a unique interfaith museum which founded in 2001 by Dharma master Hsin Tao.
Under the concept of RESPECT FOR ALL FAITHS, TOLERANCE FOR ALL CULTURES, LOVE FOR ALL LIFE, is has already held 15 Buddhist Muslim Dialogue in 10 different countries between 2002-2016. Dharma master Hsin Tao also leading the Museum participation Parliament of World religions since 1999; since then, Dharma master Hsin Tao leading Museum of world religions participates each PoWR.
This is our first time to celebrate the World Interfaith Harmony Week. We are going to watching a movie “Dr. Strange” then discuss the topic of Love the Good and Love your neighbor; from the movie to found the similarity in different religions . We will be live broadcast the discussion session. We will also recorded it and put it on various social media to draw more impact of it.
City: New Taipei City