Full Moon Circles: World Interfaith Harmony Week

In by zeinab



Country: United States
3-7-23 Springtime Beckons FMC square
Celebrate the Full Moon each month ONLINE with the Circle Sanctuary Community. Full Moon Circle rituals are held on or near the night of the Full Moon, and are live-streamed to the Circle Sanctuary YouTube channel. Full Moon Circles begin at 7pm Central time (8pm eastern, 6pm mountain, 4pm pacific, 1am next day UTC) Our hour-long Full Moon Circles include invocations, music, meditation, poetry, reflections, and energy workings.  Our Full Moon Circles are facilitated by Circle Sanctuary Ministers and other Circle Sanctuary Community Members.
Those joining in online are invited to bring a candle to kindle during the ritual, and are invited to interact with others in the chat on YouTube. Attendance is free, and no registration is required.  Donations are welcome and appreciated.