In by zeinab



Country: United Kingdom
The panel discussion on Role of Youth in Environment Conservation was held on 16 February 2022 on the role of youth in environment conservation. The panelists were Shumbosho Patience, Victor Mathew Ayegba, Bharath Govind, and Grace Chilongo. Shumbusho Patience is an Author, Conservation Artist, CEO of Eco Arts, Focusing on Sustainable Conservation and Environmental heritage. Patience also focused on the importance of biodiversity conservation. His focus area involves art in environmental education. He is concentrating on primary schools. Engaging children to understand climate change. Biodiversity and the need to conserve are instilled in children through books containing simple illustrations of flora and fauna and easy-to-understand poems and short stories. He also identifies the role of women in conservation. Especially mothers who can play a significant part in environmental education in children. He also advocates for providing clean cooking fuel for households. Victor Mathew Ayegba is a climate change activist from Nigeria. He is also an environmental educator, Earth Charter Young Leader, and Graduate fellow of Green faith International. He has a keen interest in community building He believes that biodiversity is life itself, and as humans, we have a responsibility towards the environment we live in. He focuses on the pivotal role that youth can play in conservation management and biodiversity sustainability. Also he identifies that Environmental education in Nigeria is essential. He says, "It is important to adjust the mindset of the people towards conservation and then only one we can channel our energy into more conservation activities. Education will liberate people from wrong perspectives and belief system". He also shared how the Northern parts of Nigeria have a harsh environment due to illegal felling of trees, industrialization, etc. The impact of climate change is so real. 23 So his work focuses on teachers; through Climate leadership fellowship training, teachers are trained on the impacts of climate change. Through teachers, it will be taught to children. He is a great advocate of Think global and acting local. He also shared how the journey as an Earth Charter Young leader was fulfilling and mind transforming in understanding the interdependence of humans and nature. His goal is to change people through education and convert the conscious into practical actions. He firmly puts out the message that We have a role to play to make the world a better place; that role involves you,me, and everyone. Bharath Govind is an Environmentalist, peer educator, CEO of Climatehood Foundation, European Climate Pact Ambassador, Climate Ambassador of India by Global Youth Climate Network of World Bank, Disaster Management Professional, and Researcher. Bharath started Climatehood in 2018 identifying the importance of climate education in the student community where careless behavior towards the environment was evident. He believes that to instill awareness, there should be a citizen-centric approach. He could undertake many projects involving the general public focusing on behavioral change like reducing waste generation, sustainable shopping, etc. He rightly pointed out that society is ignorant about our consumer culture's impacts, even though the world is saying about circular economy. His activities are focused on behavioral change for active and passive climate action. Most of these activities are concentrated across schools and colleges in Kerala. He says, "I could see a big change in the student community. I could see some action on scientifically educating children. Small actions can contribute to big changes". He also focused on gender inclusiveness. He strongly believes that women should lead from the front. On quoting Mahatma Gandhi, he tried to showcase the importance of minimalism in all walks of life for a safe and sustainable environment. Grace Chilongo is a Climate change advocate, educator, researcher; She focuses on educating young girls. For Grace, protection, conservation, and management of biodiversity are equivalent to life, and it is so essential to protect our ecosystems, as it supports life. Humans need biodiversity more than anything on earth to survive. To keep biodiversity intact will only help humans from extinction. She says, "Human environment relations, to me, is a phenomenon. Humans depend on nature. People depend for livelihood. Taking care of the environment comes second, considering the harsh conditions to live in. Reforestation is quite challenging. Now interventions are happening involving young people. Example of hands-on training on 24 drones to young people and use of drones to monitor the biodiversity and vegetation. She rightly pointed out the need for youth to work on the ground and in policymaking. She believes that educating people on biodiversity is the Right Response to anthropogenic activities as extreme weather events and natural disasters are frequent in Africa and other parts of the world. She urges everyone to involve in conservation. In her view, gender plays an important role. Women have a distinctive role in conservation. So adopting a gender-based approach is very important. In community discussions and management initiatives, women should be pivotal. Traditional gender roles and expectations need to be changed. Women have more knowledge on resource management and conservation decision making also women need more representation. For the effectiveness of protection, all stakeholders should be involved. She says, "Men, women, boys and girls, and everyone should come together for effective conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity." The discussion was followed by interaction between panelists and the meeting attendees, reflecting views on the need for environmental protection and youth involvement in it.