In by zeinab



Country: United Kingdom
World Harmony Week was celebrated by Ecopeace Teen Cafe with Ecopeace Global Summit. As part of the Summit, A global interfaith prayer was conducted on 7th February 2022. Faith leaders from eight different faiths across the globe came to offer prayers for world peace. Mr.Vasu Bandhu introduced Buddhism. He quoted from Dharmapadha the importance of being in this world without causing harm and without hurting each other. He also presented to the attendees the importance of mindful breathing by leading a mindful breathing session. Ms.Poorvi introduced Jainism explaining the birth of Jainism and explaining karma, where deeds determine one's future. She also tried to transcend about the perceptions where the same truth comes in different forms to different people depending upon their perceptions. She also recited a prayer from Jainism. Ms. Elana introduced Judaism. She explained the belief systems in Judaism. She offered a prayer for peace to all people of the world. Sr.Jessy Thomas introduced Christianity. With the help of Bible verse, she urged everyone to have a universal outlook beyond ones race, religion, or country. A world peace prayer was Offered by Sister Jessy. 14 Prof.Malik Mohamad introduced Islam.He explained how Quran asks humans to understand the spirituality and purpose of the creation of humans. The core of humans should be Seeking truth and not nurturing ego. There are common good teachings in every religion of the world. Prof also offered a prayer from Quran. Mr.Dinesh Rao introduced the Bahai faith. He explained the principles of the Bahai faith how service and prayer go hand in hand in the Bahai faith. He urged everyone to have an integrated life with morality and spirituality as core in tackling life's everyday hurdles. He offered a prayer asking for strength to serve humanity wherever one is. Ms. Arya Meher introduced Hinduism. She explained dharma and peace as core values of Hinduism. She offered prayer by reciting hymns from Upanishads asking for peace within, peace with everything around, and peace with the universe. Soumya Ayyar introduces as a no-faith tradition. She explained the philosophy of yoga and how it was also embraced by other Indian Faith traditions. She explained how Mindfulness and alertness are the core of yoga. Being aware of the actions will definitely bring in peace. All participants also could perform a small meditation session with Ms.Soumya. Starting with mindful breathing and ending with a cleansing meditation was an excellent experience for all attendees. Even though having various religions and faith, it was a particular time for everyone to understand and participate in multiple prayers, though written in different languages but embody the same truth. Khadeejah bint Malik, Ecopeace volunteer recited her poem Our Interfaith Community during the event. Our Interfaith Community Khadeejah bint Malik Peace… peace prevailed on earth Before men left their faith And caused humanity to death. Why did we carry a stone in our hearts? Why is the world broken into many parts? 15 We see this once peaceful land Be destroyed by ruthless bands. All are armed, all are panned. All this fighting is for what? They downgrade others' faiths and smother Why did they trample over worshippers? We extinguish fires Yet the fire inside is flaming with pride A man with a beard and cap isn't a sign of terrorism, Nor is a man with a turban. A woman with a hijab isn't a sign of insecurity or oppression Nor is a woman who chooses to be bald. Denial is not an answer If we envision a future that is better. If we are to choose between love and hatred We know within us what should be imbedded Our beliefs may differ But never did our scripture Instruct terror or build barriers between faiths. Human beings we are Gifted with a mind to think So let us think, what is our universal law? What is our common interest? Respect, care, and justice, The good deeds we practice. Human rights and peace, Our shared values are our duties. We will see a day When men and women of all faiths 16 Everyone stands to pray Even in their own ways 'Cause there's no limit to the diversity of faiths. What a merry it is to see Once dry land, become the centre for world peace. As our diversity of faiths bring us together, Let us hug each other, like sisters and brothers. Peace within me, Peace be on you, Peace prevails on Earth.