Dialogue: Listening to Learn

In by Clement Awanfe Ngueto



Country: Cameroon
City: Santchou


  • Organizer

    Global Compassion

  • Location

    Computer Lab for Children at the Global Compassion Office in Santchou, West Region of Cameroon

  • Email

    [email protected]

Cameroon is facing high level of violent extremism with Boko Haram in the northern part since more than six (6) years now, with separatists (Anglophone crisis) in the western part of the country since three (3) years now and making lots of victims and displaced people. Most of the guys perpetrating those attacks, killings and kidnappings are young people mostly not well educated. Cameroon government has been fighting them since then with guns and no good results; as Malala said “With gun you can kill terrorists but with education you can kill terrorism”, we also believe in this useful quote.   Program overview Santchou in the western part of the country is hosting many displaced people from the Anglophone crisis affected by the separatists, terrorists and army killings in their villages. Due to this issue explained in the introduction, we want to organize a gathering this 5th February during the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week to listen to learn from each other: both Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and residents hosting them. The IDPs are muslims, Christians and animists; facing some hate and exclusion in Santchou being the host council as residents stereotyping them by calling them Ambazonia (separatists) or terrorists (like Boko Haram). During the gathering, we will be highlighting those stereotypes, talk with each other, create friendships, build a safe spirit of livings lead by love and build harmony between residents and IDPs. Moreover, we know that strong friendships lead to love of the neighbors and exchanging values of peace. A size of 20-30 participants seating in a circle and face to face to face talk will be invited to best express our goal of building peace in the society. Objectives • Build strong friendships of the neighbors • Listen and learn from each other’s story • Create harmony and coexistence among Cameroonians • Reduce the extremism and violence in the community • Building sustainable peace in Cameroon.   Participants Our eligible criterias for participants will be as follow: • Be a Cameroonian citizen: IDPs or resident • Have 18 years and above • Be from any religion or faiths • Be available to attend the event in full • Accept that your image can be used to our web post or social medias • Be ready to join 20-30 participants for the Dialogue • Priority should be given to IDPs from conflict areas.   Program schedule 8:35am-8:50am _Arrival of participants 8:50am-9:00am _Welcome speech by the organizer (Clement Awanfe Ngueto) 9:00am-10:00am _Dialogue Session 1 (Getting to know each other, accept our differences and building friendships) 10:00am-10:20am _Coffee break 10:20am-11:30am _Dialogue Session 2 (Listening to learn) 11:30am-12:00am _Lunch break 12:00am- 01:30pm _Storytelling (Learn from others stories) 1:30pm- 2:00pm _Final address and closing ceremony