Brotherhood and Sisterhood International (BSI) Blacks and Whites Uniting Communities PRAYER FOR PEACE
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843 571 2667
Howie Comen
PRESS RELEASEUnited Nations World Interfaith Harmony WeekBrotherhood and Sisterhood International (BSI) Blacks and Whites Uniting CommunitiesPRAYER FOR PEACEWritten by Father Robert Seay Cincinnati and Rabbi Capers Funnye of ChicagoBSI's Hope Collaborative asks clergy of all denominations and faith communities worldwide to take a moment during The United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week February 1-7 to say a Prayer For Peace. BSI has its roots in early 1970 when Ghana native Kofi Agayapong, a law school student at Howard University founded Sons and Daughters of Africa, In the 1980's Howard University Masters in Social Work grad Carolyn Kennedy and Dr. Agyapong developed BSI. Their goal was and still is to solve community problems using an interfaith international, and racial harmony team.Today they see a nation and a world at war from within. They see the United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week as an international platform to take a stand.To quote Howard Beale in the 1976 movie Network "Things are bad, some local newscaster tells us we had 15 homicides and 63 violent crimes as that's the way it is supposed to be. I want you to get mad." Today the Middle East threatens to embroil the world into a worldwide confligatigation.
The 12 members of the BSI Hope Collaborative urge you to get out of your chairs and let everyone know we are one race, just different shades. That we must let Heaven know we are ready to fight for equity in education, economic opportunity, and justice.
After the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, the UN/BSI collaboration is calling for a month-long celebration to celebrate our similarities and respect our differences by bringing all faith communities to a get-together at Churches, Synagogues, Mosques, and Hindu and Buddhist Temples to unite and solve community problems. Come together in monthly meetings to achieve a New Beginning in your community. Let the powers that be on earth and Heaven that WE ARE MAD AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE.
BSI is organizing in Houston, Chicago, Seattle, Philadelphia, New York, Oregon, California, Connecticut, Oregon, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, South Carolina, DC, Virginia, Maryland, and a number of African Cities.
For THE PRAYER please sign up for BSI/UN/WIHW with your name, your faith group, and location we can add your information to the UN/WIHW website.
Contact Howie Comen
Director of Interfaith and Racial Harmony
Brotherhood and Sisterhood International
843 571 2667
Please include your Faith Community and contact information