“Brigid’s Wisdom” in Celebration of world Interfaith Harmony Week

In by zeinab



Country: United States
Imbolc 2023 square
Held IN PERSON at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve Today we will be exploring and learning Rune Lore and Wisdom; we will learn about Brigid and some of her sacred ways and we will share poetry (your own or others). Wisdom and inspiration received via the workshops offered will feed into finding your (power) word for metal crafting, Brigid icon making, candle carving, etc.  Your crafted item will then be used in the ritual.  Join us!


  9:00 AM: Open for Arrivals and Mingling Please check in at the Temple Room in the barn. 9:15 AM: Announcements about the Day's Events and Opening Ritual with Heather Weather permitting, the announcements and Opening Ritual will be held at Brigid's Spring. Gather initially in the Temple Room.  10 AM: Workshop: Fire & Ice in the Elder Futhark with Chris Ponder Even if you have never studied the Elder Futhark, chances are you have at least a passing familiarity with the Runes of the Northern Folkway. In this hands-on 'playshop', we'll explore the interaction of the Runes within an 'elemental' framework.  You'll be introduced to staves rooted in Ice, staves rooted in Fire, and  staves that are born at that dynamic place where Fire and Ice come together.   In the act of creating your own rune or bindrune pendant, you may discover a new way to think about where you find ~yourself~ rooted among the staves -- Fire, Ice, or on the move in between. We've got hand-drilled wood blanks, carving knives, paint pens, beads, and lacing.  All we need is YOU. Family Programming TBA 11:30 AM: Poetry Sharing Bring your own poetry or song lyrics. Or read from your favorite poets. Or bring CDs or streaming of your favorite songs about Brigid to play during lunch! Noon: Lunch Break Bring your own sack lunch and beverage.  Enjoy time with the community or be out enjoying the land or fire! Resource Shop located in the upstairs of the barn will be open! 1 PM: Bright Brigid Blessings with Rev. Selena Fox Explore some sacred ways of working with the Celtic Goddess Brigid for inspiration, transformation, healing, and wellbeing at Imbolc time and throughout the year.  Workshop includes incantations and visualization experiences.  Bring a journal and pen for noting guidance and ideas.   Also available for remote livestreaming - register here!  This workshop is included with in-person admission. Family Programming TBA 2:15 PM: Crafting in the Temple Room with Heather, Robin, and Becky Using the inspiration received from attending the workshops or from being out on the land, there will be three crafting stations for you to create and put your power words into metal, a Brigid Icon, or candle carving. The crafting workshops will be for children and adults combined.  4 PM: Main Ritual: Poetry of Will with Leigh Bring your power words and objects in thought, runework, metal, or candle as we gather together to bring life to our intentions through chanting, fire and community.  5 PM: Cleanup and Final Departures The day is not done until the last task is completed. Please stay until the end to help with clean up and take down. Community is a participation sport and the teamwork of take down is the best kind of magic to take home with you.