Virtual Interfaith Advocacy Day

In by zeinab



Country: United States
FAITH ACTION NETWORK’s Virtual Interfaith Advocacy Day brings voices of compassion and justice to our elected leaders. We partner for the common good with people of faith and conscience who stand up boldly for our shared values. Meet virtually with your legislators and their staff, and put your faith into action! On Interfaith Advocacy Day, you will be able to:
  • Join workshops that will break down the issues on FAN's 2021 Legislative Agenda
  • ?Learn how to most effectively advocate in today’s legislature
  • Meet with advocates from your legislative district to prepare for your legislative visits
  • Meet with your legislator! Once you register, FAN will set up an appointment for you and others from your district
Links will be provided in advance for the main program as well as legislator meetings. Please be sure to register by February 5 - we cannot guarantee that we will have legislator appointments scheduled for you after that date.