Sprogcafe or Learning Danish Language as Key to Integration with lessons related to UN WIFHW

Sprogcafe or Learning Danish Language as Key to Integration
Sprogcafe or Teaching Danish Language is something that happens every week.  It is an offer to refugees, to guest workers, to foreign students, and to all those who are in need to learn or improve their spoken and written Danish language. Learning Danish is one of the keys to integration in the new country, Denmark. Often it has proven to be a good help in finding a job in Denmark. This is one of the services of the Cross- Cultural Ministry of Kolding Deanery, which consists of 31 local Lutheran churches in town, supported by a group of faithful volunteers... During two Tuesdays on February 22 and March 1, we have used our teaching materials related to UN World Inter-Faith Harmony Week as lessons,  and shared the information about it as a global event, also extended  invitation to our students to other events we have in celebrating the United Nations’ World InterFaith Harmony Week 2022...

Images for this event

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