Universal Healing: Awakening the Heart of Humanity: Day 5 - February 5
Throat Chakra with Rev. Jan Chase and Rev. Dr. Richard Rose representing Christianity Delving deeper in Communication through Breath and Prayer The Throat Chakra is located in the area of the throat. This energy center represents our source of verbal expression and the ability to speak our highest truth. The spoken word through the Throat Chakra is a powerful tool we have which can be used to build “Heaven on Earth”, Martin Luther King, Jr’s. “Beloved Community.” To use its power, we need to open and develop our other chakras as well. In this session we show that the Chakra system works to connect heaven and earth through us. This not only occurs in eastern religions, but in a more hidden way through the western religion of Christianity, where the Lord’s Prayer of Jesus, actually paves the way for this inner spiritual opening. This session contains both didactic material and meditative practices to induce the opening of our holy energy centers.