Universal Healing: Awakening the Heart of Humanity: Day 1 - February 1
This year to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week (2023) Charter for Compassion and the RISE Team -Religion, Interfaith and Spirituality for Everyone- have created a special experience for you: a daily offering of healing from different traditions of the world. Day 1 – Root Chakra with Steve Kramer representing Earth Based Spirituality Delving deeper into our connection to Mother Earth To find peace in today's chaotic world it is helpful to come from a place of being centered, being grounded. This opens us up to the pathway of healing. Today, we will be working with the ROOT CHAKRA to purify and heal our connection with Gaia, Mother Earth, Pachamama. The root chakra, an energy center located on the pelvic floor, is the lowest of the seven main chakras. When we get in touch with its energy, we can engage in a more loving union with Mother Earth through grounding.