MultiFaith Council of NW Ohio Faith Leader Breakfast 2024

Lay and professional faith leaders were invited to a free breakfast on February 7, from 9 to 10:30 am at the Islamic Society of Northwest Ohio.  The MultiFaith Council of NW Ohio sponsored this event.  The event offered food, fellowship, an introduction to MultiFaith Council programs, and table discussions on topics of local interest: Civil Discourse, Loneliness and Isolation, Non-Violence [the Council’s theme this year], and the “nones” [those who do not follow a particular religious tradition.  Attendees included Christians of several denominations, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Bahai’s, Buddhists, Unitarian Universalists, and those non affiliated.  The program was opened and closed with prayers for the faith leaders, their communities, and the local NW Ohio Community.  The Council gave each attendee a brochure, a car emblem for MFC, an envelope for donations, and a gift certificate to a local restaurant, Zane’s Lebanese Grill.

Images for this event

MFC Faith Leader Breakfast Report