PAX – Ecumenical Consciousness: Lives and Prayers for Peace

We were honoured to be part of this huge online event, streamed for thousands of people on PAX Carmen Balhestero's social media!

Carmen spend the week at 3pm talking World Peace, Religions and how we can be peaceful and celebrate different spiritual paths - on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube:
  • Feb 1st 
  •  Feb 2nd  
  • Feb 3rd
  •  Feb 4th 
  • Feb 5th  
    (more links below)

    At 5pm, she got to know and share more about different pathways with people from each specific religion - Alexandre Garzeri from Wicca and Celtic Old Religions, Rafat Khalifa with Islamism, Jane RIbeiro with Kabballah and Judaism, Clêudio Bueno with Christic Shamanism and Gilson Pires with Umbanda and the AfroBraziliain Religions.

     Carmen got to bring questions from people watching, as well. It was a very educative and emotioning proccess, as people got to understand and connect more easily with each religion, just like we started doing with the Metaphysical Conferences in Brazil since 1988, to whom Carmen is a pioneer. We brought sheikhs, priests, native americans and Brazilian indigenous people many times in events promoting peace and equality. 

    Carmen Balhestero and Clêudio Bueno also shared the idea live at a Brazilian Radio called "Vibe Mundial", specifically for people seeking spirituality. They got to share the whole experience and pray together again for peace, since it was on the last day of the WIHW. 

    As PAX is an ecumenical center founded in 1981, we always celebrate different festivals and bring everyone together by teaching and experiencing different rituals and prayers for peace, which we shared on social media during the week. 

    We were happy to get to reach so many and doing it safely, since Brazil and the whole world are experiencing so much in the last years with the Coronavirus pandemic. 

    Thank you so much for this oportunity to make a change! And here's to much more!

Images for this event
