3M meditations and ecumenical prayers for Interfaith Harmony and Peace by PAX Carmen Balhestero BR
Once again, Carmen Balhestero from PAX, an ecumenical Peace Prayer Center in Brazil for more than 40 years, supported the visionary World Interfaith Harmony Week, organized by His Majesty the King Abdullah II of Jordan.
We believe that interfaith harmony begins with us, when we accept, respect and support each other in our spiritual paths.
With our union, we hope that together we can recognize that the Sacred has many representations or even none, but each and every single one of them is valid and worth worshipping. LOVE is the way, tolerance is the way, PEACE is the way!
We believe that through peaceful discussions, meditations, ecumenical religious education, praying and chanting together is a great way of promoting interreligious peace and respect. We lose our misjudgements, enjoy each other's company promoting happiness and peace through unity.
When we consciously choose LOVE for one another, kindness and respect, we step forward into building a society without prejudice, harm and fear. Thus, we're creating Peace on Earth. The Universal Peace Brotherhood, or Fraternidade Pax Universal, in Brazilian Portuguese, worships every religion and philosophy that has Peace and Universal Love as a premise. We are always part of this huge event in order to promote the tolerance precepts of this event, therefore collaborating to tighting ties with each other, though religiously we practice different spiritual traditions.
In this World Interfaith Harmony Week we are happy to announce we reached more than expected: more than THREE MILLION people meditated and prayed with us live on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube, due to the limitless impact the internet has brought to PAX, specially due to the pandemic.
We still promoted the usage of three hashtags to empower people from different religions and promote the World Interfaith Harmony Week - #WorldInterfaithHarmonyWeek #WIHW2021 as well as typical #PaxCarmenBalhestero. In just a few minutes of the totally free live session event, the comments already showed people's support to the cause!

#paxcarmenbalhestero #worldinterfaithharmonyweek #wihw2021