Interfaith Harmony Walk-Hindu Christian Religiions Kaithady
SUNFO Report 1 Name/Title of the Event: walk for interfaith harmony week and The church meeting and the little chatter Name of the Organizer/Reporter: Sriravikulan Janarthanan Date of the Event :21.Feb.2019 Time: From 3.00 pm. To: 5.00 pm Place of the held: Walk for Kaithadi West Saraswathi Community Center and The Meeting Meesalai Scion Church Key Suporters/Partners: sunfo chavakachcheri / and Meesalai srivinayakar children club Details of the Event (Them/No of Participants/Speakers/Main Guests /Schedule/etc): The event started by our guest and walk to Kaithady junction from saraswathi Community Center . Chavakachcheri traffic officers supports to the walk . fully participated over 60 volunteers(Our club members 20) and members are participated .Then Jaffna distric coordinator speak at the event . and Certificates give by coordinator. Then our Zeema team members and srivinayakar childrens Gathering in Meesalai scion church. We discuss about interfaith harmony in 30minutes. Main guest :M.Sadakoopan (Srivinayakar childern Club president)