The conference was opened by the lamp lighting ceremony that was hosted by Franco Di Maria /Sri Jayerdanantha, President of the Italian Hindu Union who invited the speekers to light the glittering brass traditional lamp: Sabrina Alfonsi (Councillor for Environment, Environment, Agriculture and Recycling of Rome Municipality); Neena Malhotra (Ambassador of India in Italy); Roberto Rampi (Senator VII Parlamentary Commission for Culture, Science and Education); Grazia Francescato (journalist and writer, former president the Italian Green party and WWF Italy); Raimondo Orsini (Director of the Foundation for Sustainable Development in Rome); Imam Yahya Pallavicini (President of COREIS, Italian Muslim Community); Paola Gabbrielli (Honorary President of the Interreligious Table of Rome), Mariangela Falà (Italian Buddist Union); Luigi Di Salvia (President of Religion for Peace Italy); Baiju Narayan (Hindu Cultural Association). The main aim of the conference was to focus on the need for a stronger interrelation between Ecological mindedness and what we call Culture in a broader sense that comprises the political, social and spiritual field. Franco Di Maria /Sri Jayerdanantha stressed the need and urgency for all mankind to overcome the damaging and selfish modern values. The Interfaith Week calls all Faiths to work together for Harmony and for Hindus the concept is inseparable from Dharma and Ahimsa (Nonviolence). Paramahansa Svami Yogananda Giri, spiritual guide of the Mahant Matha Gitananda Ashram and founder of the Italian Hindu Union, highlighted how the ancient Hindu texts and traditional day to day practices were ground on respect and gratitude towards Nature; a trees and forests are considered beneficial not only for the material aspect of life but most of all for the spiritual growth of mankind. "Only the trees will save the Earth and mankind" is the underlining stand of the last green project launched by the Italian Hindu Union that has invited all the communities in Italy to plant a tree (a video was shown at the end of the session). In the first session institutional representatives outlined their green-oriented policies, in particular Sabrina Alfonsi for the Municipality of Rome and Neena Malhotra , the Indian Ambassador in Rome who showed appreciation for the World Interfaith initiative and the efforts of the organisers. For Fabrizio Gallo of the Central Directorate for Religious-Cult Affairs, Freedom of religion is the fundamental human right at the basis of the Italian Constitution and Emanuela Claudia Del Re, Special EU Representative for Sahel Region, in a video salutation gave her support for the initiative. Senator Roberto Rampi has stressed on the need of a strong cultural change to enhance any policy and to go beyond economic and social considerations. There is an urgent need for a radical approach and in modern times only spirituality gives the right impetus. Such a remark brought the consensus of all the participants, not only of the representatives of the different religious communities. Grazia Francescato, former president of the Italian Green party and WWF Italy is now engaged with The Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC) founded by Prince Philip. Her life-long experience has taught her that Environmental degradation is strictly related to human decline: we must keep a close connection between mind and heart and this is possible only through spirituality. She warned of the dangers of the so-called "green-washing practices" and called for a networking among activists all around the world just as many "spotlights that make up a constellation". Examples of green-washing as a deceitful advertising method to gain favour were given by Luca Talotta, journalist and green influencer. Professor Enrico Alleva, as an ethologist, recalled the importance of the interrelation between Mankind and the Animal kingdom. For him Konrad Lorenz, one of the major founders of ethology, was a forward-looking critic of society and culture and his books ``Behind the Mirror '' and "Human Decline" define contemporary lay spirituality. Anna Federici affirmed that biodynamic and organic farming is possible only through a close relationship and observation of Nature. On the other hand, Roberto San Pietro, the director of the film "The vegetarian" told that he was impressed by the close relationship that Indian breeders had with their dairy cows in Northern Italy because of their religious beliefs. In the third session, representatives of the different religious communities in Italy shared their stand towards Environment and Nature according to their own tradition. Cardinal M.A.Ayuso, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue of the Vatican, reminded the audience that Pope Francis encyclical Laudato Si' On Care for Our Common Home is a strong appeal addressed to "every person living on this planet" for an inclusive dialogue. Moreover, the historic declaration of fraternity signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of al-Azhar is calling for peace between nations, religions and races, in front of religious leaders from all over the world.