World Knterfaith Harmony Week Assembly at Independence Hall.
(Connected to SUNFO report 1)-- "World Interfaith Harmony Week- Assembly" at Independence Memorial Hall, Colombo 7 hosted by SUNFO held on 10 February,2019. Interfaith harmony Messages, delved by Hon.Ranil Wickramasinghe Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. and United Nations General Assembly Resolution of WIFHW red by Ambassador of Justice Ms.S.A.Zain, Ambassador of Peace Dr.Sir Deshapriya S. Wijetunge-Director General of SUNFO & Peace Messenger Thirasarasuree Dr. M.G.M.S.M.Zurfic, Chairman of Sustainable Development Goals Citizens Committee addressed the gathering. Multi-religious Silence Meditation observed. (Interfaith Harmony Peace song launched by Mario Ananda, Welcome Dance was done by St. Anthony's College,Dematagoda, Inter-faith Harmony Drama staged by SDG Youth Club of CINEC Campus.)