Amman, Jordan
Jakarta, Indonesia
In Indonesia, a country with the largest number of Muslims in the world, the World Interfaith Harmony Week was held on Sunday, February 6, 2011 at Istora Senayan, Jakarta. The event was held with the aim of building religious harmony in a world without violence.
The event was attended by a number of national leaders and religious figures, including Muhammadiyah chairman Din Syamsuddin; politicians PDIP, Taufik Kiemas, Secretary General World Conference on Religion and Peace, William Vandley, Reverend Supriadi; Chairman of the Indonesian Bishops Conference, Mgr. P Mandagi; Parliament Chairman Marzuki Alie; Chairman of DPD Irman Gusman, including Henry Wiriatma (Confucius), I Dewa Putu Sukardi (Hindu), Philip Wijaya (Buddha).
Week of religious harmony is an annual event held each early February. “We believe it is an expression of religious community to support diversity in Indonesia,” said Fr Benny Susetyo at the opening ceremony.
The event begins with a Lion Dance and sing treat Indonesia Raya together with the people in attendance. “We want to build a world without violence, a world without terrorism, a world without religious conflict, and a world without war,” said Irman Gusman, on the sidelines of the event preparation.
The event is also expected to support the work of government in building religious harmony in Indonesia. The religious leaders gave remarks at the beginning of the show.