Strengthening Interfaith And Intercultural Understanding Among The Youth

In by Issah Toha



Country: Ghana
City: Walewale


  • Organizer

    African Students For Interfaith Tolerance

  • Location

    Walewale Municipal Assembly Hall

  • Email

    [email protected]

This year, we hoping to host yet another simple event which will include introduction to the basics of conflicts, violence and peace as well a screening of a one-hour long film on violent conflicts, its implications and how a hero saved the lives of his family and many others. Objectives: 1. To raise awareness among youth participants on their role in managing and transforming conflicts. 2. To strengthen the understanding of the different concepts around conflicts, violence and peace. 3. To imbibe in participants the need to preserve peace and the importance of using peaceful methods to resolving misunderstandings and disputes. 4. To highlight the strengths of togetherness regardless of religious, political or ethnic affiliation. Target Audience: Youth leaders, students leaders, students and community leaders. Why Is It Important? Every effort towards peace building, building bridges and reconciliation is crucial especially at a time hate and violent extremism are on the rise across the globe. This event we believe will address a critical need of the community since it will strengthen the idea of toleration and use of nonviolent communication and strategies in addressing misunderstandings and disputes. Participants will understand that conflicts are bound to occur in the everyday human interactions but the major difference occurs in how conflict is approached. Conflict can be transformed or can be escalated depending on our response. Implementing officer: This event will be led and coordinated by Issah Toha Shamsoo who is the executive director of this organisation. He holds Diploma of Education from the University of Cape Coast, a Mini MBA from the Accra Business School and a certificate on "Using Interreligious Dialogue to Strengthen Peace, Reconciliation and Social Cohesion" from the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue globally known as KAICIID. He is also an ambassador of the Institute for Economics and Peace after completing a course in Activating Positive Peace. He has successfully moderated a series of both virtual and face-to-face programs on  themes of peace building.