Institute for Spirituality and Health Caring Heart Celebration
City: Houston, Texas
Institute for Spirituality and Health at the Texas Medical Center
Virtual Event
The Institute for Spirituality and Health, a charitable organization in the Texas Medical Center, has been enhancing well-being by exploring the relationship between spirituality and health for 65 years. During the week of February 11-18, 2021, the Institute will honor frontline professionals and first responders as part of the annual Caring Heart Celebration. Throughout the week, the Institute will share meaningful testimonials from many frontline workers in each category. These stories illuminate the resilience of our community and the unique nature of service these exemplary organizations have provided to the Houston community throughout the pandemic. Each evening will culminate with an interfaith blessing for the category of essential professionals.
On Thursday, February 18, a live-streamed event at 7 PM CST will highlight leading organizations and individuals recognized for outstanding service to the community with the Rabbi Samuel E. Karff Caring Heart Award. Rabbi Karff was a notable interfaith leader in the Houston community with decades of service to the Institute and the Houston community focused on interfaith equity and inclusion.
The mission of the Institute for Spirituality and Health is to enhance well-being by exploring the relationship between spirituality and health. We believe faith and meaning impact health and healing.