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Country: United Kingdom
Dr Abraham Karickam is a former Principal of Mar Thoma College, Tiruvalla, Kerala (affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University), where he worked for 28 years in the Department of English. He holds PhDs in English and also in Inter-Religious studies. Dr Abraham is a Graduate of Bossey Ecumenical Institute (affiliated with Geneva University) and has attended several summer institutes in Peace Studies at the Eastern Mennonite University, United States. He is the coordinator for the URI South India -- Sri Lanka Zone and Secretary-General for the URI Asia Region. Dr Abraham has authored fifteen books and edited several books and journals. His important works are ―The Concept of Salvation in the Upanishads, the Bible and the Qur'an‖ and the interfaith novel ―Super Souls Revisited‖. He also organises the International Conferences on Holy Books at regular intervals in different parts of the world. He represented Mar Thoma Church and URI in three General Assemblies of the World Council of Churches (Canberra, 1991, Harare, 1998 and Port Allegre, 2005). He has been a fellow traveller of Taize Community, France from his student days. He has been engaged in interfaith dialogue for more than thirty years. He is the founder of the global campaign One Billion Youth for Peace. Dr Abraham shared about his initiative One Billion Youth for Peace. He mentioned that Children are like angels who can change the world. He emphasizes the importance of sharing the value of interfaith with younger generations and making them understand that we are one. María Crespo is very active in the Roman Catholic Church in Argentina. She has been involved in many interfaith activities and programs at the local, regional and global levels. She teaches ―Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue‖ at two different Catholic Seminars in Buenos Aires. María Crespo is Director of Member Support at the United Religions Initiative, an organization that fosters interfaith cooperation to prevent religiously motivated violence and create cultures of Peace, Justice and Reconciliation. This organization brings together in a network more than 1,100 interreligious groups in more than 110 countries around the world called Circles of Cooperation. Maria explained about the working of United Religions Initiative and its impacts on grassroots level peacebuilding initiatives. Her dream is to see more young people involved in peace process. Sylvia is a facilitator of, advocate for, and believer in peace leadership. She is a CoFounder and Board Member of Sarus, a peacebuilding nonprofit that equips and 26 accompanies the next generation of peace leaders in Asia. Her work is centered on community-led peacebuilding, conflict transformation, and peace education, and has experience in philanthropy, community reconciliation, compassionate communication, and organizational capacity building. She holds an MA in Coexistence and Conflict and an MBA in Social Impact. Sylvia currently serves as the Head of Programs and Strategy at Euphrates Institute, an organization that equips, connects, and uplifts peacebuilders worldwide. Sylvia shared about Euphrates Institute and how it support peacebuilders through Peace Practice Alliance program. Fr Prasad Joseph, a Carmelite Monk. Serving as Rector& Superior, Sacred Heart Philosophy College& Monastery, Aluva, Kerala. He is the Secretary of Commission for Dialogue and Ecumenism Commission of Kerala Catholic Bishops' Council (KCBC). Fr Prasad share about the need of appreciating the value of life and existence in our own planet. He encourages youth to come back to the nature and celebrate the beauty of life.