37.Colective Meditation and Prayer for All Religions
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Country: Sri Lanka
City: Foundation Institute, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
Religions for Responsible Governance (RRG) is organizing a group prayer-meditation gathering on the 2nd February Saturday at 7.00 - 8.30 am at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute,Colombo 7. The occasion will mark the 71st Independence Anniversary celebrations of our Island Nation, falling on 4th February.
At the gathering on Saturday, we would encourage an inner reflection on the role of religion in responsible governance, and whether our religions have united people and facilitated coexistence rather than being a divisive & destructive force during our 71-year history.
As responsible citizens, we could collectively and spiritually ask our selves where and how we have failed.
We could jointly, through meditative prayer, transmit positive energies with sincerity, for harmony & respectful coexistence.
The invitation is attached.
You may kindly share this with those who may seem interested in this event asking them to RSVP attendance. We would appreciate if you could take your seats in silence by 6.45 am on that day.
City: Foundation Institute, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka